Accessibility statement


To allow people with disabilities to browse the internet smoothly, just like anyone else, we have invested great efforts in developing advanced technology that enables website owners to make their sites accessible for use by people with disabilities and expose the information on the site to another important population.

The website makes every effort to provide accessible content to the general audience. We strive to update and implement accessibility guidelines as much as possible, in accordance with the accessibility standards. The website complies with level 2 (AA) accessibility requirements of the WCAG 2 standard. The accessibility on the site is adapted for leading browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Edge
  • Safari

Support for Assistive Technologies

The accessibility component supports assistive technologies by using ARIA rules.

How to Use the Accessibility Component?

The Andi UA technology operates on several levels to provide maximum accessibility to the website, both through an accessibility menu and by integrating with various components on the site.

An accessibility menu is placed on the site. To open the menu, you can click on the icon located at the top of the site or press the “F10” key on your keyboard. To close the menu, you can click the close button or press the “ESC” key. Press F1 to return to this page from anywhere on the site.

Main Menu

Text Size

Allows you to choose and change the text size on the site, either by using a magnifying glass for localized enlargement, under user control, or by automatically enlarging and reducing the text size across the site with the press of a button.


Allows you to choose and change the site colors and create personal customization from a set of colors by changing the sites background colors, the headings, or the text colors, or alternatively, changing the contrast across the entire site with the press of a button.

How to Make Custom Adjustments?

After selecting the background color, headings, or text, confirm the choice by pressing the “V” button. The selected color will be marked on the right side of the selection square.

Mouse Accessibility

Allows you to change the color of the mouse pointer to black or white.

Underline Links

Allows you to identify links on the site not only by their color but by underlining them.

Change Font to a More Readable Font

The ARIAL font is defined as the most readable font according to accessibility regulations. The font conversion button allows the website owner to maintain design freedom in font selection while giving people with disabilities the option to change the font to ARIAL across the entire site with the press of a button.

Reset All Customizations

Resets the website to default settings.

Accessibility Statement

You can access this document by pressing F1 on the keyboard.

Additional Features Installed on Some Sites:

  • Full keyboard navigation support
  • Quick navigation between sections

The site is divided into areas such as the main content area or a side menu area. At the beginning of each section, there is a level 3 heading indicating the name of the area you have reached. Some of the headings are also links that allow you to skip that section and reach the desired content faster. For example, you can skip to the main content from the top of the page.

Change Focus Color According to Background

Virtual Keyboard for Form Filling

A virtual keyboard can be displayed for zooming with the mouse.

Hide Mouse Pointer While Typing

If the mouse pointer is over the form field while typing, the accessibility component will hide it until you finish typing.

Quick Navigation Between Article Headings

Allows you to open a menu at the top of the article displaying its headings, enabling quick understanding of the articles structure and content relevance. It also allows you to jump directly to a specific part of the article.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • F1 – Help and accessibility statement
  • F3 – Search on the page
  • F6 – Return to address bar (URL)
  • F5 – Refresh the web page
  • F10 – Open/close the accessibility menu
  • ESC – Cancel
  • Down Arrow – Scroll down
  • Up Arrow – Scroll up
  • Page Down, Spacebar – Scroll screen down
  • Shift + Space, Page Up – Scroll screen up
  • Enter – Confirm/activate links and buttons
  • TAB – Navigate between links, buttons, and form fields
  • SHIFT + TAB – Navigate backward between links, buttons, and form fields
  • BACKSPACE – Delete text behind the cursor
  • DELETE – Delete text in front of the cursor
  • ALT + Left Arrow – Go back to the last page

How to Browse the Site Easily with a Screen Reader?

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts, users of screen reader software can use the following shortcuts (applicable to most screen reader programs):

  • K – Navigate between links
  • L – Navigate between lists on the page
  • I – Navigate between items in a list
  • F – Navigate between form fields and buttons
  • T – Navigate between tables on the page
  • H – Navigate between headings
  • 1 – Navigate between level 1 headings
  • 2 – Navigate between level 2 headings
  • 3 – Navigate between level 3 headings
  • 4 – Navigate between level 4 headings
  • 5 – Navigate between level 5 headings
  • 6 – Navigate between level 6 headings

Form Accessibility

There is extensive support for forms for assistive technologies. For example, support for screen reader error messages.

Known Issues

No known issues at the moment.

Encountered a Problem?

Tell us! We strive to maintain and keep the site at the best possible level. If you encounter any difficulties browsing the site, particularly in relation to accessibility, feel free to report it via the contact form. Please include as much detail as possible:

  • Deion of the problem
  • What action were you trying to perform?
  • What page were you browsing?
  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system and version
  • Type of assistive technology (if used)

We will address the issue and get back to you as soon as possible with details on how it was handled.

Accessibility Responsable 

Keren Horowitz, Adv

Phone: +97235318895

Email: [email protected]

TRIGGER WARNING: Although there are no graphic visuals, some of the descriptions on this site explicitly refer to sexual violence and torture.

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