Dinah Project’s experts in the media

Source: CNN
The body of the women represents the body of the nation
Israeli legal scholar Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women Sarah Hendriks join Bianna Golodryga to discuss ongoing investigations into reports of sexual violence committed by Hamas

Source: Kiloy Cuarto
"Clear and convincing information that most of the bodies were burned and their organs mutilated"
Nava Ben-Or, a former Israeli judge, denounces Hamas’s sexual crimes

Source: The CJN
The Canadian Jewish News
“Women’s bodies were part of the battlefield. It demands a response”
Ayelet Razin Bet Or, the Israeli expert speaking on women’s rights at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, says the sexual violence on Oct. 7 can’t be dismissed

Source: ABACA Press
"Images that hardly let you sleep at night"
Adv. Col (Res) Sharon Zagagi Pinhas addresses women’s rights organizations’ silence regarding Hamas’ sexual violence on Oct 7

Source: Ariel Schalit/AP
The Guardian
'We issued an urgent letter to UN Women, and to the UN committee on sexual violence, but so far they have failed to condemn what happened on 7 October in relation to the use of sexual violence committed by Hamas as a tactic of war”
A Guardian story, featuring Tal Hochman, describing the difficulties in gathering evidence of sexual violence of Hamas

Source: Nicoline Kjems-Krognos
"She sees one mutilated genitalia after another. But her old allies follow a 'satanic plan'"
Denmark’s oldest daily newspaper reporter, Solveig Gram Jensen, interviews Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, on the efforts to fight the denialsim of October 7th sexual violence

Source: William HILDERBRANDT
France 24
Sexual violence was part of the terrible atrocities performed by Hamas on Oct 7th
Analysis on the early stages of an investigation into Hamas members committing gender-based and sexual violence as a weapon of war

Source: ABC News
ABC News
The use of sexual violence as a weapon of war was premeditated and a preconceived part of Hamas' plan of the Oct 7th massacare
Expert on alleged Hamas sexual violence: ‘There are very few survivors’

Source: PBS
The concerning message the world is sending by ignoring Hamas' sexual violence crimes, is that it could be viewed as a legitimate resistance
Israeli activists say world has ignored Oct. 7 sexual violence against women

Source: Radio Canada
Radio Canada
Extremely brutal mutilation
Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari on The UN special representative will investigate growing evidence of rape and genital mutilation committed by Hamas during the October 7 massacre in Israel